Wednesday, August 22, 2012


The foundation floor got poured yesterday!!! Won't get back there to get a picture until this weekend. School has started so I can't get back up there before then.....could send Mike to do it....but most of us know how that might turn out.
The should start framing right away and we should be under roof in a few weeks!!!

Sunday, August 12, 2012

We FINALLY have walls!!!!

Well after about 6 weeks.....most of summer we have walls!!!

and after this weekend we have plumbing in the basement, back-filling and what looks to be a nice front yard. Though being at the lake do you even have a front yard or need curb appeal?

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Slowly But Surely........

Well I guess things happen for a reason. We thought the house would be under roof and progressing along by now. I guess that is the reason for not updating the blog before now. We had the camper moved closer to the lake and away from the septic. The hole was dug, the footings poured....and the walls........ the walls.......
Instead of the that song "waiting on a woman".....we have been "waiting on walls"
July 1st they were supposed to start pouring.......
it was too hot, too much rain, the thought of rain, the Derecho (no power), the who knows why....

so here are a few pictures in the meantime.....